It's the end of 2023, and Mary and I like most days are working on books, editing or planning the next story to write. Not a lot of planning needed there, we sit down and write, creating interesting stories and characters for our fans, yes fans, I mean BOTH of them, LOL.

We have a new time travel piece and of course a new Space Adventure in the works. What would happen if...ha ha ha ha, got to wait for the book. Okay, yes, you will see the book this year, well I'll finish writing it this year.

Under construction, this site is always under construction, trying to keep everyone up to date on what we have going on. We put more time into the stories than we do here. No apologies for that just saying. With 2024 being the new year, we will try to keep this place more alive. We have some things in the works that will be COOL, when we can talk about them. I want to set up a COMMENTS section, but again, not at the top of the To-Do-List.

Have a great day, and we do hope you follow some of the links on our site and read some of the stories. You can let us know what you're thinking through the email, until the COMMENTS section is up, Thanks.

Check back for updates.

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